RPM Community Forums

The RPM project uses various mailing lists to coordinate the development and to provide support to the RPM community. They all have an Email address of rpm-name@rpm5.org and are remote controlled by the Petidomo robot under petidomo@rpm5.org.


Here is an overview of the available mailing lists:

List Address Posting Allowed Usage
rpm-announce @ rpm5.org project only   project announcements
rpm-users @ rpm5.org confirmed addresses discussion between RPM user
rpm-devel @ rpm5.org confirmed addresses discussion between RPM developers
rpm-lsb @ rpm5.org confirmed addresses LSB-related RPM discussions
rpm-cvs @ rpm5.org project only project CVS activity reports
popt-devel @ rpm5.org confirmed addresses discussion between POPT developers

To avoid spam, these mailing lists do not allow postings from arbitrary addresses. The rpm-announce and rpm-cvs lists allow posting only from particular project addresses. The rpm-devel and rpm-users allow only subscribers to post. If you are not a subscriber of them, you still can post to these lists, but the posting is delivered only after you successfully sent back an additional confirmation reply the first time you post.


To easily subscribe/unsubscribe to/from those lists, use the following form to drop an appropriate Email to Petidomo. After Petidomo received your request, it will respond to the entered Email address with an authority challenge which must be sent back again to guard against fraudulent submissions. With this security mechanism, false or unauthorized entries are caught. Entering the Email address of someone else in the form below will therefore not work.

Mailing List Subscription
Select operation:
Select lists:
Enter your Email address:

If you don't trust the above form or want to do it manually, you can contact Petidomo directly of course. To subscribe to one of the mailing lists, just send an Email to petidomo@rpm5.org with the following text in the body (the subject is not important and can be empty): "subscribe rpm-name   you@example.com". For unsubscribing again use "unsubscribe rpm-name   you@example.com".

Syndication & Archive

Our mailing lists are automatically archived and rendered (with a delay of about 15 minutes) into browsable HTML pages. Additionally, you can subscribe to RSS/1.0 and Atom/1.0 news feed channels to get instantly notified of any postings on these Mailing Lists.

Mailing ListArchiving Variants
rpm-announceSummary  → Browse Threads  → Download Mailbox
rpm-users Summary  → Browse Threads  → Download Mailbox
rpm-lsb Summary  → Browse Threads  → Download Mailbox
rpm-cvs Summary  → Browse Threads  → Download Mailbox
rpm-devel Summary  → Browse Threads  → Download Mailbox
popt-devel Summary  → Browse Threads  → Download Mailbox

Additionally, the mailing lists are automatically archived at the following foreign archiving services:

Finally, there are also some foreign forums dealing with RPM issues:

Driven by Jeff Johnson and the RPM project team.
Hosted by OpenPKG and Ralf S. Engelschall.
Powered by FreeBSD and OpenPKG.